Remember Mr. Boyle
How To Support the Award
Donations as of June 10th, 2009: $3,708
A PayPal option may be coming soon. But in the meantime, please consider sending us a check as soon as you can since we'd like to fund this year's award quickly and build toward future years. See below for all information on how to do this. And thanks!
Dear Potential Donor,
Richard L. Boyle, our beloved math teacher from Sousa and Schreiber, passed away in May of 2008. A group of his former students have established an award to go annually to a graduating senior of Schreiber High School. We believe that helping a future student is an appropriate way to honor the memory of an exceptional teacher who gave so much to others in his 34 years of teaching in the Port Washington schools.
As such, we've come up with an ambitious (and meaningful to students of Mr. Boyle...think “x = 2”) figure: $2,222, to be awarded to a senior who embodies Mr. Boyle's spirit and fits the criteria in the founding Mission Statement. Please see our Memorial page for the full text of our Mission Statement. We know that this is a difficult financial time for many; however, we urge you to please give as generously as you can, using the below as an inspiration to your giving level, so that we may endow a long-lasting Richard L. Boyle Memorial Award:
Donation Level        Amount
A++                $1-$221
A++++            $222-$2,221
A++++++            $2,222+      Anyone who gives at this level will also receive an original
                              label from Mr. Boyle’s Square Root Beer and a tesseract!
Checks should be made out to "Port Washington Public Schools," with "Donation to Richard L. Boyle Memorial Award" written on the Memo line. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law and should be sent to:
            Mr. Boyle Award Donation
            c/o Rebecca Weis
            111 Country Club Drive
            Port Washington, NY 11050
If possible, kindly include a note with your class year and any remembrances or stories about Mr. Boyle. (Or if you are a friend and/or former colleague of Dick’s, it would be great if you could let us know that. Also, it would be most helpful if you could include your email address with your donation. We promise not to share it with anyone, nor to swamp you with emails. We’d just like some way to thank you for your donation, as well as to periodically update you on important news relating to the award.) Schreiber will hold the funds and administer the award, but they requested that contributions be delivered in bulk rather than receiving individual checks.  Rebecca has graciously agreed to receive, record, and deliver checks as the school requested. 100% of the contributions will go towards the award.
Please reach deep into your pockets - and your hearts - for this very special award, one that will not only honor the memory of a great teacher and a fine man, but also impact the life of a deserving student.  We appreciate all contributions, especially large up-front ones. We recognize that some may prefer to spread out their giving over many years.  So give this year and pledge your remaining contribution. Any way you choose to do it, the sooner the award receives your donations, the sooner it can begin compounding interest...we are sure Mr. Boyle would have approved.
Thank you very much for your generosity!
The Richard L. Boyle Memorial Award Committee
    David Barnett    
    Barbara Gary    
    Alan Shapiro    
    Russ Weis
[Mr. Boyle's class: Sousa '68 - '71]
    Rebecca Weis
[Mr. Boyle's class: Sousa '71 - '74]    
    Monica Weis
[Mr. Boyle's class: Sousa '74 - '77]
P.S. One final favor: please pass this message, as well as the website address, along to anyone else you know who might have had Mr. Boyle or who might have relatives/friends who were in one of Mr. Boyle's classes or to anyone who treasures teaching and would like to support this effort. We also have a Remember Mr. Boyle Facebook page. Search for it and become a fan.