Remember Mr. Boyle
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Inaugural Award Presentation
The first Richard L. Boyle Memorial Award of $2,222 was presented June 10th, 2009 at the Schreiber Senior Awards Ceremony to Hanbeak Lee. Hanbeak was selected by the Math Department with assistance from the Guidance Department. He came to this country just a few years ago and has distinguished himself in many areas, including math, music, the arts, sports and student government. Congratulations, Hanbeak!
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Port School Board Approves Boyle Award
The Boyle Award Committee is proud to announce the official approval of the Richard L. Boyle Memorial Award at the December 16th meeting of the Port Washington School Board. This followed a busy summer and fall of work by the committee to develop our Mission Statement and Award Criteria. We met with Hank Hardy, the head of the Schreiber Guidance Department, in October and November to review and fine tune these documents to meet both our goals and the requirements of the school system. Hank
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Friday, July 4, 2008
At the Summer Band Concert
This was announced prior to July 4th concert of the Port Washington High School and Community Summer Band at the Sousa Band Shell:
“We would like to acknowledge the recent passing in May of Richard Boyle, who taught math to generations of students in his 34 years of teaching in the Port Washington School District. He was also a lifelong trumpet player, playing with the Norwood Brass Firemen in Norwood, NY since his retirement in 1994, and so we recognize him as a kindred spirit. Former
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
First Committee Meeting
A good discussion. More details to come.
  Jim Girillo
  Penny D’Antonio
  Russell Weis
  Monica Weis
  Rebecca Weis
  David Barnett
  Alan Shapiro
  Barbara Gary
The above group got together at Rebecca Weis' house in Port on the evening of July 3rd and bandied about a number of issues related to setting up the Richard L. Boyle Memorial Scholarship Award. The general sense of the meeting was that, in addition to being a great teacher, Mr. Boyle was a true Renaissance man due to
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Thursday, June 19, 2008
Web Site Announcement
Dear friends, former classmates, and teachers:
It was a sad day in May when I first heard from my good friend Russell
Weis that Mr. Boyle, that wonderful math teacher for all our Junior
High School years, had passed away. For those of you who are only now
hearing about it, realize that there are many, many of us who
remember him with great fondness and share your sadness. The
outpouring of stories and remembrances has been enormous. Along with
everything else, this has been a chance to
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